- Good food is one of the major keys to a decent party! I am so glad that Ipoh Garden Restaurant provided high quality catering food that made my friends crave for more.
- Homemade tuna sandwiches were loved by gym junkies
- Spotlight offers $0.99 per helium balloon (strings included)! The original plan was to purchase a disposable helium tank that costs $40 which turns out to be a more time consuming and costly option!
- Helium balloons still make my day and I'm glad I didn't splurge on unicorn helium balloons.
- Kmart sells the typical red plastic party cups and offers the cheapest price.
- Dorritoes will only be opened when people start getting tipsy
- Pony PiƱata makes me aggressive and its not really flattering.
- Finding a white dress is harder than i thought!
- I have amazing siblings and friends who helped planning and making my 21st party such a memorable one and I'm forever grateful for their unconditional love.
- And to friends who cleaned up the house ( including ppl's puke and pee) while I was dead asleep?!! I really COULD NOT ask for more , really.
-Ultimately, I have learnt that a good party simple requires people who you truly treasure being gathered at one place.
Balloon backdrop series:
(sorry for not being able to take photos with everyone with this dodgy backdrop but other photos will be uploaded soon, so stay tuned!)
(sorry for not being able to take photos with everyone with this dodgy backdrop but other photos will be uploaded soon, so stay tuned!)

Cheers to having a second father= James