My 21st

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Things that i have learnt after organizing my 21st Birthday party:

- Good food is one of the major keys to a decent party! I am so glad that Ipoh Garden Restaurant provided high quality catering food that made my friends crave for more.

- Homemade tuna sandwiches were loved by gym junkies

- Spotlight offers $0.99 per helium balloon (strings included)! The original plan was to purchase a disposable helium tank that costs $40 which turns out to be a more time consuming and costly option!

- Helium balloons still make my day and I'm glad I didn't splurge on unicorn helium balloons.

- Kmart sells the typical red plastic party cups and offers the cheapest price.

- Dorritoes will only be opened when people start getting tipsy

- Pony PiƱata makes me aggressive and its not really flattering.

- Finding a white dress is harder than i thought!

- I have amazing siblings and friends who helped planning and making my 21st party such a memorable one and I'm forever grateful for their unconditional love.

- And to friends who cleaned up the house ( including ppl's puke and pee) while I was dead asleep?!! I really COULD NOT ask for more , really.

-Ultimately, I have learnt that a good party simple requires people who you truly treasure being gathered at one place.

Balloon backdrop series:
(sorry for not being able to take photos with everyone with this dodgy backdrop but other photos will be uploaded soon, so stay tuned!)

Cheers to having a second father= James

each heartbeat

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