My four best freinds

Tuesday, 23 June 2015


Me, Marianne, Amelia, Melanie, Clement

Growing up with four siblings had made my childhood an interesting journey where i was constantly given the chance to live life with fuelling curiosity and creativity. Together, we were really fascinated with the world around us and would find little things (even in our house) rather ...engaging.

My siblings and i would spend hours at the garden plucking all sorts of plants to smash it up with a rock to produce herbal soup. We knew plucking those plants and ruining the garden will cause trouble with mum, so we would store the precious herbal soup into a container and hide it underneath a tree to make sure no one gets in trouble, and even if we do, we would blame it on our brother.

The drain outside our house was our mini zoo, with no entrance fee and closing hours, the older siblings would jump in to catch fishes while Melanie and i would just stand at the corner and watch with envy.

The night was always the BEST as we would pull our mattresses into our parents' room to have a MASSIVE slumber party and sometimes we would have a mini performance where the four girls would play as 'Olive' (Popeye's girlfriend from 'Popeye the Sailor Man') where we were getting bullied by 'Bluto' (played by my dad) and was rescued by our hero, Popeye (played by our brother), it was our way of having a bedtime story!

Having four siblings was indeed like having four best friends who are 24-7 with you, so i must say i am a very lucky girl to have them in my life x and yes, i am incredibly homesick as i am writing this post.

oh Brother, Clement. ( the 2nd child)
Amelia (1st Child)
Marianne (2nd Child)

Melanie, the cutest baby ever xx

Me and my Popeye shirt x (4th Child)
When Melanie was Born and stole all my spotlight, haha! 

the man who takes all the blame x
following brother's footsteps.
When i was the one getting bullied most of the time.

When Marianne was a ball.

When daddy collected hats!
When i had the courage to wear a bikini with a belly.
When Melanie was an angel, omg cutest baby ever!

When a chair fits three!

Scott, the family member who hung out with bro when he finds girls annoying.
i love you Marianne <3

Hijacked- Hayley Welsh and Andy Faraday

Wednesday, 17 June 2015


Verb. having taken control or to take possession thereof 

FINALLY! Exams are over and the first thing that came into my mind from the moment i walked out of that examination room was: 'NEED TO THREAD MY EYEBROWS, NOW!'. And for those who are in Perth, i must say that the service of 'Zubias Threading'  is definitely better in Carousel compared to Garden City, as the staff members really take their time to understand your brows rather than just making it 'clean'. I am so glad and content to have a new pair of threaded brows as i am typing this post regarding Hayley Welsh and Andy Faraday's unique collaboration called: 'Hijacked'. 

 Inside 'The Koolroom', an urban underground venue dedicated to artists to showcase their pieces, was filled with whimsical paintwork of both artists with a combination of mediums including installation, projections, photography, street art and live paint! Here are some photos that i have taken via my iphone:


'through the wrong end of the telesscope...'
giclee archival print by Andy Faraday
Hand painted synthetic polymer by Hayley Welsh
'trust love'
Mixed Media on found wood + resin by Hayley Welsh

my white shoes
details though

pretty lights!

pretty apron!

details of exhibition 

In my opinion, 'Love' and 'Fear' are the two main key words in this exhibition. The tone of the environment was also set out to create a rather 'lost' but yet calm feeling for audiences to relate to the hidden message behind each art pieces. Work such as ' Trust Love' and 'Through the wrong end of the telescope...' are perhaps suggesting individuals to enjoy the wonder of childhood and to overcome fear through 'trusting love' again. 

I personally really like how the big but yet tamed creature is hiding behind a tree, peeping at the fragile little fluffy character secretively in the composition of 'Through the wrong end of the telescope...'. To me, the bigger creature is a metaphor of our little voices inside our heads, whispering and guiding us throughout our youthful lives as an explorer. So take control and 'hijack' your life, get out of your comfort zone and don't be afraid of making mistakes x 

 The Koolroom: 176 Swansea St E, East Victoria Park 


Wednesday, 10 June 2015

i just cant wait to escape and explore perth again!


pictures from my tumblr: 

each heartbeat

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