The Silly Boats, 2016

Thursday, 21 January 2016

The Silly Boats
November, 2016
Watercolour on Paper
594cm x 420cm

Hello World! FINALLY, I've managed to figure out how to create a gif via photoshop instead of relaying on Melanie, my younger sister who writes = HERE

Acrylic paint has always been my favorite medium to use as it is easy to control, fun to use and it can be easily painted over and over again if i ever make a mistake, which (sadly) occurs often! But with 'The Silly Boats', i decided to get out of my comfort zone and use watercolour as it is the best medium to achieve the 'drippy' and translucent effect.

Even though the composition is very similar to my previous work called the 'I am a Paper Boat that never sinks', click here to view, the 'The Silly Boats' is painted on a much bigger scale, it included two boats instead of one and most of all it contains a different meaning of the painting.

'The Silly Boats' was painted as a birthday gift for Ed that came 1.5 months late, oppsy :) ! Ed wanted a few of my previous paintings but i never really wanted to give away paintings that were meaningless to the him and to both of us. 

The two Paper Boats sailing peacefully on harsh waves depict our friendship and unique bond that is seemingly impossible to be broken or shaken. I see Water as a powerful element and Paper as a fragile material, by combining these two together i hope audiences are able to see the contrast and the strong mutual understanding and respect that these two silly boats have for each other!

Please let me know your interpretation of this painting, i would love to know ! :) You can simply comment down below or email me at :

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